Operation Junction City
Fire Support Base Gold (Battle of Suoi Tre)
Photo 37: This is one of the armor tanks that lost a tack racing to Fire Support Base Gold. It was literally dragged through the jungle to arrive in time for the counter assault.
Photo 38: This is another view of that same tank
Photo 39: There were two Quad 50's (50 caliber machine guns mounted behind armor plating) that were set up to defend Fire Support Base Gold. One was destroyed by a point blank artillery round after it was overrun by some Vietcong who were fixing to turn it on the American defenders. This is the surviving quad 50 after the battle.
Photo 40: MSG Hunter, shown here, received the Silver Star for his action at Fire Support Base Gold. Serving as the Intelligence Officer for the 2/77th that day, he rallied the infantrymen of the 3/22nd and led them back to their original perimeter on the line after these troops retreated to the artillery positions.
Photo 41: Close up
Photo 42: Just some of the weapons that were captured that day.