Fire Support Base Caroline
may 5th to May 19th, 1967
Aerial photo of Fire Support Base Caroline
courtesy of Joh Huizinga, Senior Medic, A/2/12, May, 1967
Location relative to Tay Ninh suburb
Location off of Route 26 relative to Tay Ninh
Close up map of Fire Support Base Caroline
To the tribute page to Roger Carter, A/2/12 vet and his actions of the night of May 13, 1967
Photo 63 This photo shows a man leaving the Mess Tent.
Photo 64 Artillery Position. During the attack the night of May 13, 1967, the initial rounds landed in the artillery position causing a number of casualties. The mortar rounds then walked through the fire base past the Company CP area before ending.
Photo 65 Aiming Circle and bunker, 4th Platoon positions.
Photo 66 M42 (40mm Duster) on the perimeter.
Photo 67 M42 (40mm Duster) on the perimeter. We had two M42 (40mm Dusters) on the position with us. During the attack, the one on the North or Northeast side of the perimeter opened fire, working rounds along the tree line that represented the most likely avenue of approach into the position. I believe that 40mm fire was significant in discouraging the enemy from conducting a ground assault on the fire base.
Photo 68 FSB Caroline, looking almost due North toward Nui Ba Den, six miles in the distance.
Photo 69 The Artillery Fire Direction Center with Nui Ba Den in the background.
Photo 70 1SG Kimura walking toward the Company CP Tent. Mess Tent is in the far background. The Ammo Supply Point is in the near ground. That's ammo in the crates. The VN Barber is in the middle. I did not recall the second VN with the barber. Noticing him for the first time in the enhanced photo was a big surprise. He seems very interested in what is taking place around the Company CP area and speculation was he was a VC reconning the support base for the planned attack.
Photo 71 Fred Berardi. The Mess Tent is in the background.
Photo 72 Sandbag detail, 4th Platoon, Left to right, Tom Matteson, Gary Basquette, unknown, unknown, Walter Sanford, Al Peckham
Photo 73 Brentley Zieg and Fred Berardi working on the Company CP Tent. Australian showers are shown on both the left and right side of the photo. During the attack, the Australian shower on the left took a bullet hole through the bottom of the canvas bag. As a result, when water was poured in the bag and you stood under the shower head, the water squirted out either side of the bag, missing you completely.
The light colored tent in the background is the tent used by 1st Platoon. If I recall correctly, 1st Platoon had the NE and E portion of the perimeter. 2d Platoon had N around to the West. 3d Platoon had the South portion, generally facing the main road.
If you look at Joh Huizinga's aerial photo of Caroline (shown above), the light colored tent is very noticeable in the photo.
Photo 74 Taking a break in the shade. Bunker line is in the background. Left to right, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Lloyd Boston, unknown, unknown, unknown, Fred Berardi, Walter Kelley.
Photo 75 Photo of Captain Smith taken in front of the Company CP Tent.