A/2/12 Veterans Stories

           Oct 6th, 2003,  The Moe Harper Photo...................................by Sgt. John Stone

           Oct 12th, 2003, two years in service to Uncle Sam....by Spec 4 Gary Barney

             Oct 22nd, 2003, Wild life With The Wildlife...................by Spec 4 Peter Cullen

             January 14th, 2004, stepping up...............................................by Sgt. Porter Harvey

           April 24th, 2004, THUNDER ROAD..................................................by Sgt. John Stone

           October 20th, 2005, VOYAGE ON THE BUCKNER.........by Pete Cullen and Larry May

           April 21, 2018, STORIES FROM THE REPLACEMENTS.........by Norm Minnier, Doug Brablec, David Todd and John Stone

           April 21, 2018, DECADES LATER, REUNITING WITH A/2/12 BUDDIES.........by John Stone